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    雙語(yǔ) | 國家主席習近平二〇二三年新年賀詞重要語(yǔ)匯摘編


    新年前夕,國家主席習近平通過(guò)中央廣播電視總臺和互聯(lián)網(wǎng),發(fā)表了二〇二三年新年賀詞。中國外文局所屬當代中國與世界研究院、中國翻譯研究院,依托中國翻譯協(xié)會(huì )重大翻譯任務(wù)審評工作機制,圍繞賀詞中的金句表述及特色用語(yǔ),形成漢英對照摘編,供業(yè)界參考使用。


    1. 我國繼續保持世界第二大經(jīng)濟體的地位,經(jīng)濟穩健發(fā)展,全年國內生產(chǎn)總值預計超過(guò)120萬(wàn)億元。

    The Chinese economy has remained the second largest in the world and enjoyed sound development. GDP for the whole year is expected to exceed 120 trillion yuan.

    2. 面對全球糧食危機,我國糧食生產(chǎn)實(shí)現“十九連豐”,中國人的飯碗端得更牢了。

    Despite a global food crisis, we have secured a bumper harvest for the 19th year in a row, putting us in a stronger position to ensure the food supply of the Chinese people.

    3. 我們鞏固脫貧攻堅成果,全面推進(jìn)鄉村振興,采取減稅降費等系列措施為企業(yè)紓難解困,著(zhù)力解決人民群眾急難愁盼問(wèn)題。

    We have consolidated our gains in poverty elimination and advanced rural revitalization across the board. We have introduced tax and fee cuts and other measures to ease the burden on businesses, and made active efforts to solve the most pressing difficulties of high concern to the people.

    4. 經(jīng)過(guò)艱苦卓絕的努力,我們戰勝了前所未有的困難和挑戰,每個(gè)人都不容易。

    With extraordinary efforts, we have prevailed over unprecedented difficulties and challenges, and it has not been an easy journey for anyone. 

    5. 目前,疫情防控進(jìn)入新階段,仍是吃勁的時(shí)候,大家都在堅忍不拔努力,曙光就在前頭。

    We have now entered a new phase of COVID response where tough challenges remain. Everyone is holding on with great fortitude, and the light of hope is right in front of us.

    6. 大家再加把勁,堅持就是勝利,團結就是勝利。

    Let's make an extra effort to pull through, as perseverance and solidarity mean victory.

    7. 歷史長(cháng)河波瀾壯闊,一代又一代人接續奮斗創(chuàng )造了今天的中國。

    Wave upon wave, the mighty river of history surges forward. With the persistent efforts of one generation after another, we have taken China to where it is today.

    8. 今天的中國,是夢(mèng)想接連實(shí)現的中國。

    Today's China is a country where dreams become reality.

    9. 今天的中國,是充滿(mǎn)生機活力的中國。

    Today's China is a country brimming with vigor and vitality.

    10. 今天的中國,是賡續民族精神的中國。

    Today's China is a country that keeps to its national character.

    11. 今天的中國,是緊密聯(lián)系世界的中國。

    Today's China is a country closely linked with the world.

    12. 點(diǎn)點(diǎn)星火,匯聚成炬,這就是中國力量!

    Sparks of talent are coming together, and they are the strength of China!

    13. 中國經(jīng)濟韌性強、潛力大、活力足,長(cháng)期向好的基本面依然不變。

    The Chinese economy enjoys strong resilience, tremendous potential and great vitality. The fundamentals sustaining its long-term growth have remained strong.

    14. 只要篤定信心、穩中求進(jìn),就一定能實(shí)現我們的既定目標。

    As long as we stay confident and strive for progress while maintaining stability, we will realize the goals we have set.

    15. 堅定不移落實(shí)好“一國兩制”,香港、澳門(mén)必將長(cháng)期繁榮穩定。

    With determined implementation of One Country, Two Systems, Hong Kong and Macao will surely enjoy long-term prosperity and stability.

    16. 每當辭舊迎新,總會(huì )念及中華民族千年傳承的浩然之氣,倍增前行信心。

    At every turn of the year, we always think of the great character of resilience that the Chinese nation has carried forward through millennia. It gives us still greater confidence as we continue our way forward.

    17. 我們始終如一珍視和平和發(fā)展,始終如一珍惜朋友和伙伴,堅定站在歷史正確的一邊、站在人類(lèi)文明進(jìn)步的一邊,努力為人類(lèi)和平與發(fā)展事業(yè)貢獻中國智慧、中國方案。

    We cherish peace and development and value friends and partners as we have always done. We stand firm on the right side of history and on the side of human civilization and progress. We work hard to contribute China's wisdom and solutions to the cause of peace and development for all humanity.

    18. 中國共產(chǎn)黨百年櫛風(fēng)沐雨、披荊斬棘,歷程何其艱辛又何其偉大。

    Over the past 100 years, the CPC has braved wind and rain, and forged ahead against all odds. That is a most difficult yet great journey. 

    19. 我們要一往無(wú)前、頑強拼搏,讓明天的中國更美好。

    Today, we must press on courageously to make tomorrow's China a better place.

    20. 明天的中國,奮斗創(chuàng )造奇跡。

    Going forward, China will be a country that performs miracles through hard work.

    21. 明天的中國,力量源于團結。

    Going forward, China will be a country that draws its strength from unity.

    22. 明天的中國,希望寄予青年。

    Going forward, China will be a country that has great expectations of its younger generation.

    23. 只要有愚公移山的志氣、滴水穿石的毅力,腳踏實(shí)地,埋頭苦干,積跬步以至千里,就一定能夠把宏偉目標變?yōu)槊篮矛F實(shí)。

    As long as we have the resolve to move mountains and the perseverance to plod on, as long as we keep our feet on the ground and forge ahead with our journey by making steady progress, we will turn our grand goals into reality.

    24. 14億多中國人心往一處想、勁往一處使,同舟共濟、眾志成城,就沒(méi)有干不成的事、邁不過(guò)的坎。

    When the 1.4 billion Chinese work with one heart and one mind, and stand in unity with a strong will, no task will be impossible and no difficulty insurmountable.

    25. 青年興則國家興,中國發(fā)展要靠廣大青年挺膺擔當。年輕充滿(mǎn)朝氣,青春孕育希望。

    A nation will prosper only when its young people thrive. For China to develop further, our young people must step forward and take on their responsibilities. Youth is full of vigor and is a source of hope.


    1. 犯其至難而圖其至遠。

    Charge at the toughest and aim at the farthest.

    2. 艱難困苦,玉汝于成。

    Just as polishing makes jade finer, adversity makes one stronger.

    3. 路雖遠,行則將至;事雖難,做則必成。

    Long as the journey is, we will reach our destination if we stay the course; difficult as the task is, we will get the job done if we keep working at it.